Skip the magic beans. There’s no big secret to great engineering . The trick to building innovative and impressive products quickly isn’t taking shortcuts. It’s working with experts who do it right the first time.
We know your industry
Education, Financial Services, Online Publishing, Real Estate, Health Care, Non-Profit, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Entertainment, Internet, Fashion, Consumer Goods and more.
Most utilized technologies
Javascript: React.js, Vue.js, Node.js, GSAP, Jquery
PHP: Laravel, Wordpress
Java: Spring Boot
CSS: scss, sass
DevOps: Jenkins, Kubernetes, AWS, Cloudflare, Firebase
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
Mobile: Android (Java), iOS (Swift)
AI: Open AI (framework), Chat GPT (text), Claude 2 (text)
VR: Unity
Using tools you love
Shopify, Stripe, Segment, Selligent/Sailthru,,, Salesforce, Netsuite, EasyPost, Mimeo, Treasure Data, Treasure Data, Hubspot, Xero, Brightspot, Zeta, AWS Quick Sights, Scandit and more.
Coalesce brought a rigorous development approach, meticulous attention to detail, and creative suggestions to the process. The team was clearly invested in the project's success and has become a trusted, valuable collaborator.
Morgan Brown
Inman News
Engineering matters.
The team you make it with matters, too. Our team of multidisciplinary devs are always a few steps ahead. The best way to get started is to schedule a call with us.
Engineering services include:
Bespoke Software Development
Custom Web Application Development
Mobile App Development
Maintenance and Support
Legacy System Modernization Legacy System Refactoring
Legacy System Re-Platforming
Enterprise Software Development
Digital Transformation & Emerging Technologies: 
Workflow Automation
AI Strategy and Implementation 
VR Development